Title: Sharks and Rays of South Africa
Presenter: Dr Lauren De Vos
Duration 53:07
Title: Sharks and Rays of South Africa
Presenter: Dr Lauren De Vos
Duration 53:07
This video shows the main morphological differences between chimaeras, sharks, skates and rays (Chondrichthyes). Morphology, distribution, diversity, and extinction risks are discussed while some information on South African fisheries that catch chondrichthyans, either as target species or as bycatch are also discussed. The importance of the inclusion of non-charismatic species in conservation is mentioned together with an in-depth discussion of some selected, endemic and threatened species highlighting the benefits of Marine Protected Areas for chondrichthyans.
Title: How to ID Sharks and Rays
Presenter: Dr Charlene da Silva
Duration 20:19
This video explains how to properly identify and classify chondrichthyans. This video also highlights the proper techniques on photographing chondrichthyans for identification purposes. General chondrichthyan morphology is discussed with special attention paid to distinct morphological structures used in identification of these chondrichthyans. These distinctions may be teeth shape and size, the number of gill slits, presence of the anal or second dorsal fin, size and ratio of second dorsal to dorsal fin and the position of the dorsal fin to the pectoral fins. Some of the species discussed in this video are Basking sharks, Megamouth sharks, Scalloped and Smooth hammerhead shark, Hardnose skates, Butterfly rays and the Elephant fishes.
Title: Part 1 – Field Guide – Identifying Sharks and Rays (Part 1: Sharks)
Presenter: Geremy Cliff
Duration 20:41
This video assists you in the use of the WILDTRUST Shark and Ray field guide to identify Sharks. Some background around South African shark fisheries is mentioned in this video. Shark morphology is also discussed in some detail. Some of the species touched on in this video are Shortnose spurdog, Lanternsharks, Broadnose sevengill shark, Whale shark and Thresher sharks, all of which are threatened or endemic species.
Title: Part 2 – Field Guide – Identifying Sharks and Rays (Part 2: Batoids and Chimaeras)
Presenter: Geremy Cliff
Duration 20:16
This video assists you in the use of the WILDTRUST Shark and Ray field guide to identify rays, skates and chimaeras. Some background around fisheries catching batoids is mentioned in this video. The differences between skates and rays are highlighted, with both batoid and chimaera morphology being discussed in some detail. Some of the species touched on in this video are the Largetooth sawfish, Lesser guitarfish, Slime skate, Pelagic stingray, Bullray and St. Joseph shark, all of which are threatened or endemic species
Title: Shark & Rays 101
Presenter: Geremy Cliff
Duration 11:29
This video highlights tips to identifying chondrichthyans using models. Many different shark and ray models are examined and identified using their morphology, with reference to the WILDTRUST Shark and Ray Field Guide. Some of the species touched on in this video include White shark, Spotted raggedtooth shark, Tiger shark and Manta ray.
Title: Legislation and Policy inside and outside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
Presenter: Dr Jennifer Olbers
Duration 28:39
This video discusses the legislation relevant to South African chondrichthyans. Key legislation include the Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA), Threatened or Protected Species (TOPS), National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) and International Legislation (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), etc). The Shark Biodiversity Management Plan and National Plan of Action (NPOA) for Sharks are also discussed. Marine Protected Areas and the legislation which governs them are mentioned. Fisheries and their targeted species are briefly discussed in terms of current (2022) protection.
Title: Handling Guidelines
Presenter: Dr Charlene da Silva
Duration 5:58
This video discusses the correct handling techniques for sharks, skates and rays using specimens. Key points to ensure your safety and the safe release of the animal are also highlighted in this video.
Title: Trunk Guide
Presenter: Dr Charlene da Silva
Duration 09:30
In this video, the way to identify shark species using trunks only is demonstrated. Important features and characteristics used to identify species such as the Smooth houndshark, Bronze whaler and Smooth hammerhead are shown. Attention is drawn to distinct morphological structures used to identify and differentiate species that look similar. Identification can be aided using the WILDTRUST Shark Trunk Guide.
Title: Shark Trade in South Africa
Presenter: Oliver Wright
Duration 5:24
This video shares some background information on sharks, the status of sharks in South Africa and the role they play in the marine ecosystem. The video also assists in providing information on why it is important to identify the fins of protected sharks, tools available to assist in the identification and key identification features of the various fins.
Title: Shark Fin Identification Training
Presenter: Simone Louw
Duration 6:31
This video provides tips on the identification of shark fins of CITES listed species, while showing how to distinguish the different fins after they have been removed from the shark. Fin terminology and morphology is discussed in this video along with key features of fins. Various fins are then identified by referring to the WILDOCEANS Fin Guide. Some of the fins identified are that of the Blue shark, Shortfin Mako shark, Silky shark and Oceanic Whitetip shark.
Title: Shark Dissection
Presenter: Dr Charlene da Silva
Duration 18:14
In this video, chondrichthyans species are identified using specimens of sharks and rays together with the WILDTRUST Shark and Ray Field guide. Distinctions between species are made by looking at characteristics such as colouration, snout shape and size, the position of gill slits, presence of the anal or second dorsal fin and by observation of upper and lower lobes of the caudal fin. Species identified included Soupfin Shark, Sawshark, Lanternshark, Roughnose Legskate, Slime Skate etc.